You’re tired of just dabbling in the dream that God placed on your heart. But you don’t know how to finally step into your calling.
For HSP Christian authors, speakers, and coaches who want to break free from the ministry hamster wheel, Cheri Gregory is a Christian writing coach who helps you move your God-given vision forward — by developing a focused plan that works with your unique wiring.

You’re tired of just dabbling in the dream that God placed on your heart. But you don’t know how to finally step into your calling.
For HSP Christian authors, speakers, and coaches who want to break free from the ministry hamster wheel, Cheri Gregory is a Christian writing coach who helps you move your God-given vision forward — by developing a focused plan that works with your unique wiring.
Get your FREE mini-course:
Overcome Procrastination & JUST WRITE!
7 Surprising Strategies to Get Your Words Flowing
Just imagine …
- Silencing that relentless inner critic
- Feeling eager to write again (& again!)
- Moving #AllTheIdeas from your head to the page
- Serving your audience with your God-given message and voice
- Hearing, “Your words were just what I needed today!”

Take the 2-minute
“My Next Step in Ministry” Quiz
Discover Your Next Step to Move Your Ministry Forward (And Reach More People with Your Message)
Get your customized next step to turn your vision into reality with this diagnostic quiz.
Then, get weekly guidance delivered free to your inbox – so you can keep moving forward.

A Plan to Steward the Word on Your Heart (that doesn’t leave you feeling lost)
God directed you to this ministry. He wired you to be a teacher, to inspire others. And gave you a message to share.
But now you’re feeling lost and, honestly, a little bit lonely.
You race along on the ministry hamster wheel: build the expensive website, sign up for a shiny new course that teaches the latest social media trend, and grind through another blog post — all in an effort to connect with your people.
Only to look around and realize you’re working hard but getting exactly nowhere.
What you need is a clear direction. Someone to help you discern what you really should be doing…
Enter Cheri Gregory, your Christian writing coach.

Accelerate Your Vision, Authentically
Cheri knows that the highly sensitive Christian author, speaker, or coach needs more than just the inside info on the latest social media fad. And you also need to do more than just put words down in your journal.
- To grow the sustainable ministry of your dreams, you need answers
- To get down to business and make real progress
- To have a clear and decisive plan that keeps you moving forward at a pace that works for you — without pushing too hard
And each step leads you further down the road. As a writing coach, Cheri guides you down that path and helps you unlock your next win anytime you get stuck.
So you always come away feeling energized and encouraged to keep moving forward with your writing project. And most importantly, you actually get things accomplished — one manageable step at a time.
Click below to take your next step and get the micro-course “Overcome Procrastination & JUST WRITE: 7 Surprising Strategies to Get Your Words Flowing” delivered to your inbox!
Relax Knowing You Have a Clear Direction that Moves Your Ministry Forward
Imagine…that hard thing God is calling you to is still out in front of you. But you’re not afraid anymore.
Instead, you keep stepping toward it.
Because you’re not alone with your keyboard and that knot in your stomach, trying to figure it out on your own.
Now, you have someone walking alongside you who’s been there and who can help you set the course for your next step, and the next, and the next.
You even find the courage to embrace opportunities you thought you’d never attempt. Like stepping in front of a camera for that Facebook Live session, feeling the exhilaration as your message connects with hearts across the world.
Because when you embrace the unique journey that God has you on (the one that’s just right for your unique wiring) that’s when you can finally say, “I have clarity. I know this is where I’m supposed to be.”
And here’s the good news…

You don’t have to do it all — you just need to do what you’ve been called to
The way most gurus tell you to build a writing platform is to (magically?) find thousands to build a snazzy, new website! Post to Tik Tok 5x a day! (What’s Tik Tok you say? Doesn’t matter, just do it!) Write more blog posts! Guest post! And don’t miss the course on the latest Instagram trend.
And all that’s great…if you happen to have 48 hours in a day and the boundless energy of a 20-year-old extroverted workaholic.
But what if instead of following the crowd, you paved your own path, in harmony with your authentic calling and sensitive personality?
God gave you this vision. He made you like none other. Why would He then ask you to follow the race marked out for everybody else?
You can ditch the misfit tasks that weary your soul. Let go of the “supposed to be” and move toward the “meant to be.”
What you need is your own personalized writing roadmap.
And your first step on that journey is just a click away. Get started with the “Overcome Procrastination & JUST WRITE” micro-course!

You could keep exhausting yourself on the ministry hamster wheel
Trying to keep up with what everybody else seems to be doing so easily — and still find yourself getting nowhere.
Or you could embrace your God-given wiring and get clarity on the authentic path that He has for you. One where you actually enjoy your ministry and see results.